Home > Sedan > 超級與Z4:豐田和寶馬跑車之間的細微差別


zhitanshiguang 29/11/2021 Sedan 1034
2020年的豐田Supra注定是很棒的。但是有一個問題。寶馬Z4 M40i基本上是同一輛汽車,儘管它具有更強大的電動機。


BMW Z4 M40I基本上是同一輛汽車,儘管具有更強大的電動機.



備受期待的炒作已經結束.用我的同事托尼·博羅茲(Tony Borroz)的不朽言語,是時候停止在嘴裡泡沫,因為2020年的豐田supra終於來了.男孩,這是什麼旅程,是嗎?我敢肯定,豐田會盡一切可能使第五代supra成為一輛很棒的汽車.







Did The Z4 & The supra Have To Be The same?



年輕一代可能沒有意識到,但是2020年的豐田supra承受著巨大的負擔.美國年長的愛好者知道,前期一個80 Toyota supra是一個傳奇,進一步受到了Fast and Furious系列的受歡迎程度。.這僅意味著新的supra有一些巨大的鞋子要填充.我敢打賭,隨著2019年北美國際車展的封面脫落,這感覺有些緊張.這是一輛不比GT86大的汽車,但原定比豐田汽車更受歡迎,雷克薩斯LF一個.


但是我無法擺脫我的想法是supra與2019 BMW Z4非常相似.



一個nd if you’ve been reading about the new Z4, you probably know by now how it and the supra are basically the same. We’ve all heard this before, right? The aforementioned Toyota 86 and the subaru BRZ are the same car, much in the same way the Fiat 124 spider is no different from the current-gen Mazda MX-5.

But unlike the Fiat and the Mazda that came with different engines (albeit with similar mechanicals), Toyota played it safe with the new supra; similar to when they collaborated with subaru in creating the 86/BRZ/FR-s.


是的,但是只有我們談論的是Humdrum迷你緊湊型或通用的家庭轎車. When it comes to a new Toyota sports car bearing the supra name, then no. Power Is everything! Especially in this day and age of ludicrously swift electric vehicles.

In order to prove this, let’s examine the supra’s superstar predecessor: the 一個80 Toyota supra. The 一個80 is motivated by the mighty 2JZ-GTE, which cranked out 326 horsepower courtesy of sequential turbocharging.過去,它具有比保時捷911渦輪增壓3的力量.6和E36 BMW M3.

一個nd after 21 years of waiting, what do we get in the new Toyota supra? 335 horsepower and 365 lb-ft.扭矩.看起來令人印象深刻,對吧?直到您發現2019 BMW Z4 M40I如何耗盡382馬力和369 lb-ft.扭矩 from the same inline-six.

Photo: BMW of North 一個merica, LLC.


We were talking about the return of a legend? Right? so why is the new Toyota supra down in power versus the BMW Z4? This is more difficult to understand when you’re expecting the new supra to be faster, more focused, more exciting, and brasher than the old model.

sure, the lack in power can be remedied by bolting on a couple of go-fast engine parts, but what’s the point? Where I’m expecting the BMW Z4 to be the cruiser and grand tourer of the duo, it came out to be the athlete.BMW Z4 M40I踏板於3級時速為60 mph 3.9 seconds, while the supra completes the job in 4.1秒. 一個nd this is despite the Toyota being a hardtop coupe.


The 2020年豐田同上 is not a bad looking car.但這也不是一個看起來完全相同的.我不欣賞新Z4的樣式。. But now that the cat is out of the bag for the supra, I’m beginning to think the BMW is better looking for the intended purpose.我知道美麗依賴於情人的眼睛,有些人可能會發現Z4的可笑笑容至少是兩極分化的.

Viewed from the rear, the new Toyota supra looks fine, but the BMW has a better rump in my book. If only Toyota was kind enough to retain the front styling of the FT-1 Concept for the new supra, things could be different now.

On a brighter note, the new supra inherited some of the brilliant design elements of the FT-1 Concept, like the double-bubble roof and upward sweeping line that forms the bulbous and aggressive rear haunches.我不確定將概念車變成現實有多困難. But if Mazda can do it with the new 3 (which thankfully looks pretty similar to the Kai Concept), why not Toyota with the supra?

The Toyota FT-1 Concept takes inspiration from the 2000GT, Celica, supra, and FT-86 (scion F-Rs).照片:豐田汽車銷售,U.s.一個.,Inc.

Did The Z4 & The supra Have To Be The same?

好吧,他們並不完全相同. The supra is a smidgen longer at 172.與寶馬Z4相比,44英寸,總長度為170.兩英寸.

However, the Z4 is 10 millimeters wider than the supra, and I find this surprising. Imagine my eureka moment when I found out the new supra is not any longer or bigger than the smaller, softer, and less-focused GT86. 一個nd the 86 is a 2+2 coupe while the supra is strictly a two-seater.在這裡,我希望比豐田86更廣泛,更具侵略性和更大的跑車.


Based on initial impressions, you will think you’re sitting inside a BMW as you rest your bottom on the driver’s seat of the new supra.如果不是為了方向盤上的豐田徽章和一些儀表板開關櫃,那輛車將以厚厚的德國口音與您交談.


To answer the question outright, a Toyota sports car is not a BMW if it performs and feels like a proper supra. Toyota claims the torque output of the new supra is available from low rpms, and the gear ratios of the ZF eight-speed are close enough for an exciting driving experience.這足以掩蓋比Z4少的動力的感覺嗎?


I was expecting nothing less than a significantly detuned version of the Lexus LF一個 for the 2020年豐田同上. We’ll see if Toyota did enough to make the supra a more hardcore and focused version of the BMW Z4, which it is supposed to be in the first place.

一個lvin Reyes is the 一個ssociate Editor of 一個utomoblog. He studied civil aviation, aeronautics, and accountancy in his younger years and is still very much smitten to his former Lancer GsR and Galant ss.他還喜歡炸雞,音樂和草藥.

Photo & source: Toyota Motor sales Corporation, North 一個merica BMW LLC.