Home > New Energy > 按地區劃分的財政馬的價格是多少?


zhitanshiguang 31/07/2021 New Energy 809

Summary財政馬的歷史What will be the cost of my registration certificate? The regional tax



財政馬的縮寫為簡歷(不是CF).這是指馬力,這是18世紀末使用的單元.與馬相比.具體而言,這是一匹馬將一米舉重至一公斤重量一秒鐘的重量所需的能量.因此,這大約對應於735 W.





The regional tax: This tax is payable by everyone. The amount of the regional tax is calculated according to the price of the fiscal horse in your region of residence. This price is set by the Regional Council and therefore varies in France. Thus, the amount of this tax is obtained by multiplying the price of the fiscal horse in your region by the number of fiscal horses in your car (in your gray card column P6). This amount is then rounded to the nearest whole number. Professional training tax: This tax is not payable in the case of a private vehicle. It applies only to commercial vehicles (vehicles dedicated to the transport of goods). The tax on polluting vehicles: This tax applies to so-called private vehicles. Two taxes exist: the penalty tax and the CO2 tax. The penalty tax (or ecotax) concerns the purchase or rental with the option of purchasing new highly polluting vehicles. It depends on the level of CO2 emitted by the car and applies if it exceeds a certain threshold. For each additional gram, the penalty increases. The C02 tax relates only to the purchase of a used vehicle put into circulation after June 1, 2004. The cost of this tax depends on the number of fiscal horses of the car in question. tax is fixed and compulsory. This is an amount of 4 euros.


< h2> The regional tax


Vehicles put into circulation for more than 10 years: private vehicles put into circulation more than 10 years ago are subject to a reduction of 50 % on the regional tax. "Clean" vehicles: some regions offer a reduction of half, or even of the entire cost of the regional tax of the vehicle if it is said to be "clean" (see table below). specific requests not linked to a change of holder: certain requests which are not linked to a change of holder do not open up to the payment of the regional tax again (request for duplicate, change of address, etc.) List of regions tax horse Exemption percentage (clean vehicles) Auvergnes-Rhône-Alpes43.00 euros100% Bourgogne-Franche-Comté51.00 euros100% Bretagne51.00 euros50% Center Val de Loire49.80 euros0% Corse27.00 euros100% Grand Est39.66 euros100% Hauts-de-France33.00 e uros50% Ile-de-France46.15 euros100% Normandy35.00 euros100% Nouvelle-Aquitaine41.00 euros100% Occitanie44.00 euros100% Pays de la Loire48.00 euros100% Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur51.20歐元100%

財政馬的數量將影響您的註冊卡的費用。區域稅計算如下:車輛中的財政馬數(/ 2(如果超過10年,則超過10歲))x一匹馬的成本在該地區.一輛10歲以下的汽車在勃艮第 - 弗蘭奇 - 莫特地區生產7次財政馬匹:7 x 51 = 357€註冊證書的總成本:357歐元(區域稅) + 4歐元(管理稅) + 2.76歐元(路線稅)= 363,76歐元,用於10年以上的車輛,您只需將區域稅的金額除以兩.





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