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Six funny street signs

signs ... sign Stop Even
zhitanshiguang 16/07/2022 New Energy 895
Interesting ones come in various shapes and sizes; ask Danny DeVito and Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias. It is in your TV shows, advertisements, and hidden under every banana peel.Funny is everywhere except...

Interesting ones come in various shapes and sizes; ask Danny DeVito and Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias. It is in your TV shows, advertisements, and hidden under every banana peel.Six funny street signs

Funny is everywhere except a mortician’s office and in legal paperwork. Even then, sometimes something funny can slip through the cracks and wind up on an official traffic sign or safety sign.

Work is stressful and humorless enough, but when you tack on all of the safety signs telling you what to do, it can drive you nuts.

Hopefully these funny signs will help break up the tension and give you some good ideas for hanging new signs in the office.

1. Don’t Even Think of Parking HereSix funny street signs

2. Is That Clear? Maybe Not...

3. Wait, is this a double-negative?

4. Stop. No, go. Wait!

5. What the...how do I even...Six funny street signs

6. Stop feeling so blue

1. Don’t Even Think of Parking Here

Some signs are too funny to be true, but “Don’t Even Think About Parking Here” signs were actually official New York City parking signs in the 1980’s! They’ve got that New York attitude that stops drivers dead in their tracks and as far as effectiveness, fuhgeddaboudit!

You can actually buy a similar “Don’t even think about parking here” sign for you own parking space / spot on the sofa at home.Six funny street signs

2. Is That Clear? Maybe Not...

There’s a lot to be said about taking your time to get a job right, but the person who painted this road in the UK hasn’t heard any of it. One thing that is clear about this – the value of a high school diploma.

3. Wait, is this a double-negative?

Do not Enter...wait, it’s Do not – Do not Enter, so, that means we shouldn’t not enter, right?Six funny street signs

I meant I guess have to now.

4. Stop. No, go. Wait!

If you’re a lawyer, your first though at these signs is entrapment. The rest of us just think, “Gee, thanks bureaucracy!”

Wouldn’t it just have been easier to put up a yield sign instead?Six funny street signs

5. What the...how do I even...

Honestly this looks more like a diagram of a car’s differential than a street sign.

Only in the UK could this be a real thing and there not be multiple accidents a day on this road.

6. Stop feeling so blue

Aww, it’s ok stop sign, things will get better soon. Stop feeling so blue.

There is no shortage of ridiculous street signs. Please feel free to show us some of your favorites in the comments below.